Let's talk about the process of creating. Everyone has their own process of creating their art, which is part of what makes each artist unique. The way someone learns how to do something may not always be the same as everyone else.
To begin with, when I decide to make a new painting or drawing, I do some thinking first about what I want to do and research. I am a fanatic researcher, I look at examples from others pertaining to what I am thinking about doing. For example, if I want to draw an owl, I will look up some examples so I can come up with an idea of how I may want it to look.
After I finish looking for examples, I begin my drawing or painting and it develops into the finished product from there. Even though you may be an artist who needs examples, it does not mean that what you make will look anything like what you see. Most of the time when I create something, it looks very different from what I pictured it would and that is fine, that is where the unique artist comes into play.
There are five stages in the art creation process that all artist's go through and I will share those with you now;
1. Inspiration - This is where you get the idea
2. Percolation - After you have your idea and you make sketches or refine the idea
3. Preparation - You get out your drawing pencils, pens or whatever you use or your paint and canvas.
4. Creation - You draw or paint your idea, however long it takes you.
5. Reflection - You have finished your art piece and are ready to admire it, give it to someone or sell it.
Those five stages are a good starting point to help a new artist as well as a seasoned one. If you are a new artist, I hope reading this will help you know how to begin.
I would now like to share a drawing that I finished recently and used colored pencils to create. I hope you like it!